Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Since November 3rd 1938, when the Jemlyn family fled their ancestral pile in Warwickshire amid mysterious circumstances, Marsell Castle had lain empty and derelict.
Until 2003, when multi-billionaire Osmek Karbalukimanibalinskirinskaminsk bought the freehold to this dilapidated ruin, intent on transforming it into a luxury residence for himself, his wives, extended family and numerous well-to-do hangers-on and renowned toadies.
All well and good, you may posit.
Yet the new residents hadn't reckoned on an ancient curse placed upon the estate following an hideous event in 1489.
Had the Karbalukimanibalinskirinskaminks bothered to integrate themselves into local village life, then they would almost certainly have known of the legend of ' The Manless Horse Head.'
In 1487, Emlyn Jemlyn, a wealthy landowner, found favour with King Henry VII after holding his coat at The Battle Of Bosworth Field, which earned him the noble title of  'Ye Goode Blowke
That Didst Looke Aftere Mine Coate.'
Never one to pass up an opportunity, Emlyn Jemlyn proceeded to take advantage of this Royal endorsement in order to increase his wealth, and his standing in courtly society.
However, time would see Jemlyn abuse his noble position and upset one of the King's favourite knights, Sir Feit of Onyunze, who challenged Jemlyn in mortal combat. The two men faced each other at dawn, mounted on their finest steeds.  Sir Feit stood proud on his horse, 'Pansy', ready to defend his honour, and that of his King and country.  Jemlyn faced him on his own fine mount, 'Malcolm'.  As the charge started in the cold October air, steam blew from the nostrils of the mighty horses as they thundered towards eachother, their riders bent on who knows what?, revenge, honour, sadism, fame, chocolate?  As they closed on one another, Sir Feit swung his huge sword at Jemlyn who, craven scoundrel that he was, ducked at the last second.  The blow instead took Malcolm's head clean off.  Appalled at his terrible mistake, as he was rather fond of horses, Sir Feit dismounted to attend to the poor creature.  As the cowardly Jemlyn slunk away, Sir Feit cursed him for the lily-livered milquetoast that he undoubtedly was. It was said thereafter that the unearthly spectre of Malcolm's head could be seen roaming the Jemlyn estate in search of his former master to exact it's horrible revenge.  Emlyn Jemlyn  himself died an ignominious death when he was thrashed within an inch of his life after relieving himself on a Bishop after a week long drinking spree. He would have survived, but unfortunately the inch was on the wrong side. Almost nothing is known of the Jemlyn family in the intervening period, until 1938, when police found the housekeeper of Marsell Castle, Miss Barbara Marber wandering in the road babbling inanely.  When they investigated  the castle, it was completely deserted, yet nothing had been disturbed and the breakfast was still on the dining table half-eaten.  No trace of the Jemlyns was ever found, and Miss Marber never recovered, dying in an institution in 1957. Marsell Castle spent the next 65 years a boarded up shell until it's 5 year multi-million pound restoration was completed earlier this year.  However, no sooner had the Karbalukimanibalinskirinskaminsks moved in, than they began to witness strange phenomena.
"It was the children who noticed it first." they agreed. 
"At first we are thinking they are just having the strange dreams as a result of settling in to new surroundings, but then we are starting to hear the noises."
The family went on to explain that at first they were aware of the sound of distant hooves and the odd bit of neighing, but thought it was from a nearby stables.
It was only when their staff started to resign in droves that they realised that something was very amiss.  It was only on the 3rd of May, after sleeping fitfully that Mrs. Karbalukimanibalinskirinskaminsk decided to get herself a glass of water.  As she returned to her bedroom, she was confronted on the landing by an hideous apparition.  She still cannot bring herself to describe it, but her husband told us,  "She scream and is dropping the glass of water, so I am rushing out onto the landing to see what is up."
So, did he see it too?
"For sure! I see it as clear as what it is that I am being here now talking with you." He said. 
And what was this supernatural vision?
"It was being the horse head, not the horse, just his head. I am telling you he is not looking like the happy horse.  He is having the glowing red eyes, steamy nostril and the blood dripping from the neck. I see his teeth and they gnash. He also is having the frothies from his mouth."
So, what happened next?
"I am so scary, I am, how you say, rooting on the spot? But the horse is not move.  He is just look me up and down, then making the whinny and go away through the window."
Did anyone else in the castle see the ghoul again?
"No way! We are out of there like the shootings, still in the night clothes. We are not going back since."
So what will the family do now?
"We are stay in the hotel until we can sell the castle. My wife, she don't got any of the nerves left."
Surely it's going to be difficult to sell such a property in the current economic climate, even without the gruesome heritage that Marsell Castle bears?
We spoke to Dave Payving from Tyrde & DeMochanelle estate agents,
"Obviously things are a bit slow at the moment, but I'm confident that we can close a deal on this property."
Even with it's gruesome history?
"Oh yeah! Obviously we won't tell the client it's haunted."
You won't?
"No, it might put them off.  Obviously we'll tell them if they ask."
You really think someone will buy it?
"Oh yeah, some idiot will stump up the readies!...erm, you're not going to print that bit, are you?"


Thin Puffin said...

This is a long one - even for you! But worth it. Keep up the good work, I see this getting approached for a print version one of these days.

PeeT said...

Ta! I am afraid that they may just keep getting longer, so I may try a shorter, more punchy one this week.
Hmmmm, the cogs are whirring.........